Sometimes, I really fucking hate YouTube. This is the second time this has happened to me and it seems like YouTube really doesn't care.
So, about a week ago, I got sent this really stupid video by "PodiatricRFA"(click on the name to go to his YouTube channel). I wasn't interested in it, so I simply deleted it and went on my way. The next day, he sends me the same video again. I don't know if he went to my channel and looked to see if I had watched it or not, saw that I didn't, and sent it to me again or what. I originally just thought: Hey, he probably sent it to me twice without realizing it. Happens all the time, right? Wrong.
I deleted the video again and went on my way. When I checked my inbox the next day and there was no video from him, I thought he either got the message or decided it wasn't worth sending a third time. I was wrong.
Two days ago, he sent the message again. This time, I wasn't willing to just let it go. I hate it when people on any site spam me, especially when I don't even know them. It's why I don't use Yahoo! messenger anymore. Every time I use Yahoo! messenger, some hooker(and I do mean hooker) send me an IM talking about, "Do you wanna send me some money so you can see me take my clothes off in a video??" No. Fuck no.
Anyway, I decided to send him a message, asking him to stop spamming me. I wasn't rude or anything, I just sent him a short message that got my point across. This is it, word for word:
Subject: Spamming Me
Message: Please stop. It's annoying.
See? I wasn't rude, but I wasn't overly courteous either. And, honestly? Who would be courteous to someone who is spamming them? I did say please and didn't insult him or anything, so I figured that would be the end of it.
The next day - yesterday - he sent me back a message. Here it is:
Subject: Re: Spamming Me
Message: there is no spam on a video sharing website.
If you want to be antisocial you can block vids from being sent to you. Read the Terms of Service.
First of all, there is definitely such thing as spam on video sharing websites, but I won't get into that now. I address that in my next message, which I will post below. I didn't put my next point in my next message, but I am going to spell it out here. Yes, you can block videos from being sent to you, but I do not wish to do this. I've been sent multiple videos that I actually find interesting and I love it when that happens. I've actually been introduced to many different wonderful channels through someone sharing a video with me. So, I am not going to do that. Here is what I sent him back:
Subject: Re: Spamming Me
Message: Spam: to send the same message indiscriminately to recipients(generally of a large number) on the internet.
There is spam on anything on the internet that you can send messages through. YouTube allows users to send messages to each other on their site. Therefore, there is spam on this video sharing website.
You've sent me this video 3 times now. Please stop.
I honestly thought that that would finally end things. I wrote out the definition of "spam" and explained how that definition correlates to what he was doing to me, so that it would be obvious to him that he was indeed spamming me. In the end, I repeated that I wanted him to stop sending me that video and hoped for the best. Unfortunately, it backfired. This guy obviously took my correcting him as a shot to his ego or something, so he sent me this:
Subject: Re: Spamming Me
Message: damn hooker just so I don't have to see that big 'ol
fucking dicknose of yours again I'm gonna block you. fuckin ugly bitch
inside and out go get laid you ugly dirtbag bitch
I decided that, because he was both spamming me and now just plain insulting me, I was going to report him to YouTube. So, I go to his profile, click the "Report User" button and go through the form. Since he wasn't doing any of this in comments, I had no comment to report, although YouTube wanted me to. I skipped the comment part and went to the bottom of the page. I wrote a small paragraph about how he'd spammed me and then sent this ugly message to me, but when I clicked "Submit", it told me that I had to report one of his comments to even send the damn report.
I go through his feed to see if he'd commented on anything and...he hadn't. Not a single damn comment on any fucking video. So...that's where YouTube failed me. I wasn't able to send a report on him. This has happened before when I was trying to report a user who had more than one account. This user was using his alternate accounts to vote all of his comments up and vote all of mine down. I finally got sick of it and tried to block him. It ended the same as this time did. YouTube can really be a big piece of shit sometimes.
Also, there is no way to even just sent an email to the YouTube team. The only way you can send them an email is if you are press.
In conclusion, I have set up a link in PodiatricRFA's name up at the top of this post. If you think there is any type of justice in the world, you will click on the link and try to report him. If not, the least you can do is send him a message, letting him know just how much of a dick he is. Maybe we could even get together and let YouTube know that they're also being huge dicks with the stupid comment requirement when reporting a user. Thank you for your time and please help me get rid of this asshole once and for all.
Oh, and to PodiatricRFA, if you're reading this: you're a giant asshole and I hope you get herpes. Dick.
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